Vamos nos juntar com o pessoal do para um encontro hoje, às 20h, no Biermarkt da Castro Alves (n. 442). Participação livre e altamente encorajada 🙂
Yup, it’s today 🙂
We are joining forces with the folks for a meeting today, at 8:00 PM, at Biermarkt Castro Alves (# 442). Participation is open and highly encouraged 🙂
Fomos convidados pelo pessoal do GUMA (Grupo de Usuários de Metodologias Ágeis) Porto Alegre para um evento em conjunto. Mais uma vez, a participação e escolha de assuntos é livre. E dessa vez vai ser no Lagom (ver abaixo), ou seja, será um lean beer (abstêmios também são bem-vindos).
We were invited by the Porto Alegre GUMA (Agile Users Group) folks for a joint meeting. This time, we will meet at Lagom Brewpub, for a Lean Beer (abstemious folks are welcome too). As always, participation and topic selection are open.
After a long hiatus, we are kicking back our first lean coffee meeting of the year, this time during lunch. Meeting place will be posted on tomorrow´s update, but will most probably be at PUC or downtown Porto Alegre.
On October 30th we held a virtual lean coffee meeting, experimenting with and hangouts on air.
The resulting video can be seen below (warning: it’s in PT-BR, or, even worse, it’s in PT-BG, or “Bagual Portuguese”, due to the accent of some) and the meeting “notes” can be seen in itself.